Scuba for Charity Events
2013 Event Dates: UW Treasure Hunt Sat. July 13th, 2013 UW Monopoly for Charity Sat. August 3rd, 2013 Blue Meridian is proud to support the Carl H. Oliver Scuba for Charity Foundation. Each year the foundation donates money to our community. In the past we have donated to MDA, Special Olympics, Dream Factory, Hospice of Western Kentucky, Kara Eubanks Foundation, Supporting Heros, Salvation Army-Angel Tree Program, McAuley Clinic and the Diabetes Education Program, The Dream Riders of Kentucky, Relay for Life, Team Karlie, Big Rivers Buddy Ball, Puzzle Pieces, American Diabetes Association and many more!
We are the facilitator for the 2 charity events sponsored by the foundation. The UW Treasure Hunt and the UW Monopoly Game.
Our motto is "Bubbles That Make A Difference" and they really do!
We hold the UW Treasure Hunt 2nd Saturday of every July. Cost is $35.00 early registration and $45.00 day of. Your entry fee covers entrance to quarry (Hopkinsville), entrance in the hunt, lunch and all participants are guaranteed to win a prize. Prizes are donated by various equipment manufacturers and Blue Meridian. Prize values range from a minimum of $20.00 to over $600.00. After the hunt participants all receive their prizes, there will be a auction for all unclaimed prizes . There will be raffles, silent auctions and other games for divers and guests. Click on the T-Hunt form button for a printable version of the Treasure Hunt registration form. All proceeds go to the Scuba for Charity Foundation for distribution after being combined with contributions from the UW Monopoly game.
Registration Pre-Dive Briefing
Raffles, Food and Door Prizes Look at all those prizes
And the winner is! Everybody!!!! Happy Prize Winner!
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Viagra 120 Pills 100mg $159 - $1.33 Per pill Where can i buy viagra in nottingham ? TEL AVIV – For decades, the United States and Israeli government Viagra 360 Pills 50mg $355 - $0.99 Per pill have been engaged in an informal but powerful "deal between two states," a "framework agreement" they call the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Though the details haven't been made public by the U.S. or Israeli governments since 2011, the framework agreement outlines a for resolving the Iranian nuclear issue. The deal does not, however, prevent Israel from using its nuclear arsenal should the Iranian regime break its commitments under the nuclear deal. This is not news. In fact, Iran has used nuclear power as a threat to justify its nuclear program for more than three decades. In 2014, the United States was first country to publicly acknowledge Iran's nuclear weapons program. But now that sanctions have severely curtailed Iran's nuclear ambitions, Israel has begun to use its arsenal of nuclear weapons as justification to justify its own nuclear program. The most recent example of this "deal between two states" occurred on May 22, when Israel officially announced it was suspending plans for the construction of an additional nuclear reactor at Dimona. Dimona has been Israel's only nuclear energy facility, which it has used to generate electricity since the mid-1970s. Though no specific details were provided by Israel, it has been reported that construction of the reactor was suspended not because of the new nuclear deal, but because it simply didn't make economic or strategic sense. In 2008, Israel's former military governor of the northern Negev region, Maj. Gen. Amir Peretz, said as much. Speaking to the Israel Strategic News Agency, he said, "The Israeli government announced in 2008 that Israel doesn't intend to build a new nuclear reactor. We are not interested in a nuclear weapon." Peretz also said that the Dimona project was shelved because it "not in Israel's financial, technological and scientific interests." Israel's decision to suspend the reactor was clearly a response to the Iran nuclear deal, rather than to the JCPOA. two were not mutually exclusive. "The deal between two states is a framework, as are all agreements. It does not guarantee the outcome of a matter; it merely means the government and people agree on the content. A framework is way to build trust and then make important decisions once they're made. But the Israelis are choosing to violate this trust and where to buy viagra in calgary break by breaking the deal. This is very worrying," said Nafeez Ahmed, an investigative Eriacta 100 sildenafil citrate reporter and fellow at Brown University's Watson Institute for International Studies, in an interview with Common Dreams. While it is unlikely that Israel would formally agree to an Iranian nuclear weapon, Israel has been making a series of serious threats to attack Iran. According The Atlantic, Israel has "pre-positioned hundreds of missile launchers in a military base on Israel's coast… [there] [are] dozens of tanks, missile batteries, and combat aircraft." Such actions are not just to deter Iran from conducting a nuclear weapon test, but also in anticipation of future American- or Israeli-imposed sanctions. While the United States has not formally lifted the sanctions imposed over Iran's nuclear power program, Israel is widely believed to be in possession of "military option" nuclear weapons. Such threats, coupled with its own nuclear programs, have encouraged Israel to take other steps intimidate Iran into complying with good drugstore bb cream uk international rules. In early May, Israeli Navy vessels allegedly harassed a vessel carrying Iranian cargo to the International Atomic Energy Agency. In retaliation, Iran announced it was taking.
UW Monopoly for Charity This is our longest running charity event. Participants gather pledges and bring their donations in the day of the event and turn those in for prizes. A minimum donation of $25 is requested to play the game. 4 divers at a time play an actual game of Monopoly but the only difference is .... it is played underwater. Rules are all the same...and yes people cheat just like on the surface!
Lunch is provided for all participants and there are other activities available for a fun filled day! Carl H. Oliver Scuba for Charity
UW Monopoly Game 2012
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